The Aerodrome Certification

In 2004, GESAP obtained from ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) the Aerodrome Certification  nI-006 / APT certifying the compliance of Palermo Falcone – Borsellino Airport with the requirements prescribed by the “Regulations for Construction and Operation of the Airports” and therefore the relative qualification for carrying out commercial air traffic operations, punctually renewed in the following years.

On October 19th 2017, following the complex conversion process conducted by the ENAC certification team, Gesap obtained the new Aerodrome Certificate IT.ADR.0015, certifying the compliance of Palermo Falcone – Borsellino Airport with EU Regulation no. 139/2014 and EASA technical regulations.

Click on image to open (.pdf)

Quality Certification (ISO 9001: 2015 standard)

The attention to passenger satisfaction and the desire to pursue maximum efficiency and effectiveness in all airport processes and in the provision of related services, have long guided Gesap to adopt its own Quality Management System.

Airport quality essentially means provision of services according to the best international reference standards, monitoring and continuous improvement of performance and periodic reporting to users of the results achieved.

To this end, GESAP on the one hand annually publishes the Service Charter   which  gives evidence of the quality levels of the services offered, on the other it ensures a punctual service for managing user complaints, thereby ensuring the comparison between provider and user of the services, essential to enable management interventions to be effectively oriented towards user needs.

In febraury 2022, the Company renewed the Certification – obtained since 2002 – of its Quality System, on a compliant certificate issued by TUV Italia S.r.l., with conversion pursuant to the ISO 9001: 2015 standard. Below is a copy of the relative certificate and of GESAP Quality Policy.

Click on image to open (.pdf)










Environmental Certification (ISO 14001: 2015 standard)

Environmental protection is a fundamental value of GESAP’s corporate policy and a guiding element of its strategic choices. In this sense, GESAP, beyond regulatory obligations, is committed to ensuring the most general sustainable development of the Airport, in compliance with the needs of stakeholders and the surrounding area. With this in mind, GESAP aims to continuously improve its effectiveness and efficiency in the eco-compatible management of its activities, aware that environmental protection is also a source of opportunities, as a factor through which to recover competitiveness and prestige, enhancing for this reason, the company image.

In confirmation of the attention that the Company pays to environmental issues, GESAP has implemented an Environmental Management System, certified in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015 standard. This certificate of conformity represents a further safeguard against the compatibility of aeronautical activities and the Scalo development plan with the requirements of environmental protection.

Click on image to open (.pdf )

Information Security Certification (ISO 27001:2017 standard)

As part of its activities aimed at offering secure services to users and ensuring the security of its information assets, GESAP has arranged and implemented an Information Security Management System which has been certified complying with the ISO 27001:2017 standard. This system is intended to demonstrate the ability to protect the company’s information assets, considered as a set of information and tools that have been defined for their processing, by establishing a system of controls to guarantee the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of information.

The Information Security Management System is based on the uninterrupted and systematic execution of a process consisting of the following steps:

Planning: policies, objectives, processes and procedures of the management system are determined, aimed at managing risk and improving the level of Information Security.

Implementation: an assessment of the risks related to Information Security is carried out (through the identification of the threats to which they are exposed, the assessment of the impacts that may result, the census and classification of assets, including the census of information, the evaluation of the system of controls carried out and the assessment of the level of residual risk against the risk propensity profile determined by the Company), the execution of the control system outlined in the procedures and supported by the implemented technologies, and the measurement of efficiency and effectiveness of the controls that have been applied.

Verification: the effectiveness of the overall protection system and its adequacy towards security objectives are continuously evaluated through the results of the audit activities carried out during the Management Audit.

Continuous Improvement: corrective actions are implemented to protect the identified vulnerabilities that have arisen during the verification phases.

Click on image to open (.pdf )       

Energy Certification (ISO 50001:2018 standard)


Click on image to open (.pdf )        

  Click on image to open (.pdf)   


Airport Carbon Accreditation

In June 2008, ACI EUROPE member airports adopted a historical resolution on climate change, with which they committed themselves – on a voluntary basis – to reducing carbon emissions, with the ultimate goal of becoming carbon neutral. In order to support airports in achieving this goal, in June 2009 ACI EUROPE also launched the Airport Carbon Accreditation program, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2019, recording very important results both in terms of the airports involved and environmental performance.

The ACA program has the objective of reducing the CO2 emissions produced by the airport activity, to contribute to the containment of the rise in temperatures caused by the greenhouse effect and envisages the following subsequent phases:








As part of this program, GESAP, the Palermo’s Falcone Borsellino International Airport Management Company, has already mapped its carbon emissions, obtaining the first level of the ACA certificationin 2020 and the second level in 2021, the third level in 2023, and the third+ level in 2024

Click here to open the document (.pdf)



Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050

On June 26, 2019, on the occasion of the 29th Annual Congress and General Assembly of ACI EUROPE held in Cyprus, GESAP also signed the Resolution “NET ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS BY 2050” .

 Resolution Net Zero by 2050 (.pdf)